Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I came home. It was dark, dreary and cold. I was exhausted and feeling low because I still needed to workout. As I opened the back door and tripped over the cord I'd left out, it suddenly hit me. I'd worked out this morning! I did 24 laps. It was amazing. I added 4 laps from the last workout and took 2 seconds off each lap and I could've been faster. If only running and biking were going as well...

But no matter those worries, I could go home, sit on my couch, do the fund raising webinar, then catch up on some work. Guilt free Wednesday evening!

Halfway through the webinar I remembered my friend is running a half marathon Sunday. I get to be a spectlete for the first time! She's been feeling blah, meh, and all around ugh. Training has become something she dreads and I've not been as supportive as I could be. Our training focuses have diverged, but we will find some common ground. I think we are both going to need it. She's training for a PR at the Disney marathon this winter and I'm training for the triathlon. Her weekend runs are 15-20 miles. Mine are 4-6 and I'm not increasing that distance until spring. 

With darkness swallowing the world at 5 each evening and both of us working very different training plans, it's hard to be training buddies. I think I see some evening weight training sessions in our future, compromise is the key to every friendship. Have you lost a training partner because of divergent training goals?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Building a Base

I want to ride the bike like Julie Dibens. She's unreal on the bike! And I want it! Can someone get it to me without me having to get off the couch? No? *le sigh* Didn't think so. I haven't gotten a road bike yet, but I am actively trolling used ads looking for one. I think I've found a bike trainer that I hope to pick up this week. It's supposed to work with my mountain bike. As long as I can pedal in the dry and warm.

I'd forgotten how much of a fish I am. I love going to the pool. I hate having to get up early to go. Yet, like every thing else in my life, I'm a lazy swimmer. Much better floater than swimmer and I'm all kick and no arms. It's been a bit of a challenge learning to kick less and focus on a smoother stroke. I've already increased my distance  with no extra effort. Technique makes all the difference.

Running is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be. My knees hurt! All the time. I think they're just being cranky pants because they love the pool so much.

Too bad, Knees! I own you! Quit your bitchin'!
That's right. I told them. Please, please listen!

Ah, food. You are my downfall. After weeks of not getting the scale to move, I pulled out a tool that guarantees success-- if you use it. My food journal! It's day 2. So far, so good.

Consistency isn't my strong suit. But I have my wing man, before he decided to be all independent and pout-y like old Bats. He's too cute to leave at home, all alone.

It's also easy to spot the diet derailleurs (ha! bike humor). 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Goals

Finding an excuse to skip a workout has become too easy. My weight has spiraled out of control, again. I've dusted off the journal. It's a useful tool when used. I mean to be a using it! 

I control my actions, not the universe. These are the things I'm tightening the reigns on this month:

  • I'm going to journal all my food and exercise, which I intend to pre-plan to prevent the easy excuses. 
  • I'm going to get a bike trainer and maybe even a decent road bike.
  • I'm going to attack every workout with a purpose.

I've been accused of not setting very clear goals, but these goals, vague as they may seem are actually very specific for me. They are the lifestyle changes I must make, if I want to achieve my ambitious goal of a 3:30 triathlon.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sticking to the Plan

There's a plan. It's pretty simple. Short blocks of time. Nothing that should cause a problem. Yes, I have to rearrange a few things to fit the schedule of the pool and the weather and work, but it's day 3 of training and I'm already a workout behind.

Why am I workout behind? Because my bike has a flat tire! Seriously! I hate the bike! I'm weakest on the bike. I've never really enjoyed riding, even though I did manage to do some mountain biking back in the day. I never quite learned to change a tire... I can change a car tire, even plug a hole in a car tire, but a bike tire? Nope. Never bothered to learn. But thanks to youtube and Wal-Mart I think I will manage to change this tire after work. I'm still cleaning mud off the bike from the flood. It's amazing how clingy flood mud is compared to regular dirt mud. And if my plan comes to fruition, I will have an inexpensive bike trainer this evening. It's just feels like there is never enough time in the day.

I'm really not behind. I'm just rescheduling. This plan will come together!

This evening, after work, after changing a tire and cleaning the bike and hopefully getting a ride in, I still have to cook for the Thanksgiving feast. Pies, cakes, sides! Sawdust Salad! No matter how busy this weekend gets, I am thankful for all that I can do. I am thankful for all that I can do for others. I am blessed and loved and I won't be stressed. Pie and exercise. They go hand in hand in my world now.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weight Loss Loser

So I can't lose weight! I'm undisciplined (AKA Lazy) when it comes to food. I like junk. No, I love junk! Cheeseburgers, donuts, cheesecake, cookies, Twizzlers, chips, hot dogs, smarties...

My not so smarties eating plan, derailed my weight loss, but I can say that my brothers and friend did really well. It probably didn't help much that I hurt my knee and couldn't run for about 6 weeks. And I can't post stuff daily. That was exhausting and boring.

But the knee isn't an excuse any more and I've moved on to an even more ambitious and exciting goal. I signed up with Team in Training and have just started training for my first triathlon! Olympic distance no less.

I imagine myself qualifying for the Olympic team, but it's more likely that I'll finish somewhere about 15th-- from last! But no matter! I am setting aside the excuses. Training will commence! Except when I get yanked out of the pool due to thundershowers...

I'm also going to eat less like an American teenager and more like a human. I'm not certain this is possible for me to do for any real extended period of time, but hey! you never know!