Sunday, January 8, 2012

Doubting Chorus

First group ride! Woooooo!!!Xscary! 

Will I run over someone? Will someone run over me? What if I can't keep up? Why am I doing this again? I can't change a flat tire! I don't really feel well this morning. Maybe I'm getting the flu? What if my knee starts hurting? Am I forgetting something else I need to do this afternoon? Anything?

Doubt and repeat. This soundtrack is getting stuck in my head. 

Pshew! Like I'm going to let the Doubting Chorus sing-a-long overcome my awesomeness. If I fall, I'll just get up and try again. I don't have to be Julie Dibens today. I can give myself at least a week a couple thousand years to ride that well. I don't have to be perfect. I think it's enough for me to work towards perfection, whatever that is. Maybe, I'll just take perfect/perfection out of my vocabulary. One less hangup for me this afternoon. I'll just do what I do and next time I'll do it better. (that's a perfect example of wordy, for any English teachers that read this).

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