Thursday, January 5, 2012

Work for It!

It's a new year and I hope it brings exciting and wonderful things for everyone. The exciting and wonderful things I want aren't going to magically appear. If I buy a lottery ticket and win a bajillion dollars what would that mean? I didn't earn it, don't deserve it. There's a Proverb for that, 'Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labor shall be rewarded.' Proverbs 13:11. Yep, hard work is the only viable avenue for me.

There are 16 weeks left to prepare for my first Olympic distance triathlon. Just saying, "first Olympic distance triathlon," fills me with terror and thrills. There is so much training to do and so many skills I have yet to learn.

I spent November and December playing at training. There was no push. Workouts were being lost to the avalanche of excuses: too cold, too busy, too tired, the holidays! Pick your excuse, I used it. But I want this. I want to be a triathlete, to excel in all three disciplines. It's time to compete, not just complete.

Every workout, every minute of every workout matters. Even girly push-up count.

The ridiculous amount of miles I'll be driving to get to the pool or a training session is worth it. And there will be a lot of miles (Drawback of country living. Can someone get that pipeline sooner, so gas becomes reasonable again?)

This triathlon isn't just for me. This one is to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If you want to help (and you know you do!), please check out my Team in Training page (see the widget on the right). You can also follow my training on Daily Mile (widget to the right). (I guess I really like widgets.)

My exciting and wonderful things are better, faster, stronger! Better person, faster runner, stronger competitor. Better biker, faster(as in truer) friend, stronger Christian. And I'm betting all the betters will make 2012 the best year yet. All will take hard work. The reward will be worth it. What exciting and wonderful things are you working towards?

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