Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12 Things Tuesday

1. I drink tea several times a day: black, green, herbal. I love them all!

2. I want to do a 70.3 in 2013

3. I hate running.

4. Leverage is my favorite show. You should watch it.

5. Fast food is bad for me. It's bad for you too, just in case your waistline forgot to give you the memo.
*le sigh*

6. I'm still waiting for my Chuck Connors as the Riffleman to fall madly in love with me.

7. I love running.

8. I've never needed glasses.

9. When I'm 100, I still won't need glasses.  

10. I'm writing this on a 6 year old laptop. I love this old laptop.

11. I got a running coach. 

12. Core work is fun! (this is a lie I tell myself every time "core work" shows up on the calendar.)

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